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Earl Aguilera and Roberto de Roock # Digital Game-Based Learning: Foundations, Applications, and Critical Issues

A Serious Look at Game-Based Learning

Carol Rawlings Miller
How to Use Games to Build Community in Distance Learning

Amanda Armstrong
Game-Based Learning in Middle School Math

Paul Darvasi
Exploring Ancient History with Video Games

Further guidelines on incorporating EVGs:
Playability Guidelines for Educational Video Games

Amy Jo Kim What makes games so engaging?



  • Bogost, I. (2007). Persuasive games: The expressive power of videogames. MIT Press.
  • Gee, J. P. (2003). What video games have to teach us about literacy and learning. Palgrave Macmillan
  • Prensky, M. (2001). Digital game-based learning. McGraw-Hill.
  • Salen Tekinbaş, K., & Zimmerman, E. (2003). Rules of play: Game design fundamentals. MIT Press.
  • Schrier, K. (2016). Knowledge games: How playing games can solve problems, create insight, and make change. Johns Hopkins University Press.

Game Design

G4C Intro to Game Design - Teacher G4C Intro to Game Design - Student


  • Quest to Learn - a public 6–12 school with an innovative educational philosophy developed by top educators and game theorists at The Institute of Play


EdX: Leading Change: Go Beyond Gamification with Gameful Learning

Udemy: Educational Game Design

Udemy: Gamification & Behavioral Design: The Octalysis Framework


UNESCO - Mobile Learning Week

Immersive Education Initiative
The Immersive Education Initiative is a non-profit international collaboration of educational institutions, research institutes, museums, consortia and companies. The Initiative was established in 2005 with the mission to define and develop standards, best practices, technology platforms, training and education programs, and communities of support for virtual worlds, virtual reality, augmented and mixed reality, simulations, game-based learning and training systems, and fully immersive environments such as caves and domes.

Games for Health Europe
Games for Health Europe Foundation is Europe’s leading professional organization in the field of applied health games. We bring together the best minds in game development and healthcare to develop game technologies that improve health and the delivery of healthcare. Games for Health Europe is a non-profit organization that was founded by Jurriaan & Sandra van Rijswijk in 2010.

International Serious Play Awards
Honor outstanding commercial and student titles used for education or training.

GALA Conference
The Games and Learning Alliance conference is an international conference dedicated to the science and application of serious games. The conference aims at bringing together researchers, developers, practitioners and stakeholders. The goal is to share the state of the art of research and market, analysing the most significant trends and discussing visions on the future of serious games.
2018 winners

GBL Platforms


Soft skills


Gamification in Education - Facebook group